Breaking Free with Lindsay
Welcome - I'm Lindsay :)
Are you ready to step up and live the life of your dreams?
I'm so glad you said YES because you're in the right place. 🥳
I help moms shed the limiting beliefs, societal expectations, fears, and thought patterns that have been holding them back so they can trust the inner wisdom that's guiding them toward their true purpose.
Through guest interviews and sharing my own hard-earned wisdom, we discuss what it takes to courageously follow your dreams.
Let's remove those shackles of what's been holding us back, break free from the status quo, and embrace a life of total freedom.
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Breaking Free with Lindsay
Episode 38 - How to Move Yourself Forward By Asking Better Questions
There's one AMAZING way to move through any fear or hangup, and it's by asking better questions!
In this episode, I share a technique that activates the part of your brain that is responsible for finding solutions so you don't get stuck in fear.
If you want to break free from the 9 to 5 or spend more time with your family, then check out this FREE webinar that goes over exactly what I'm doing to create time and financial freedom.
If you ever have any questions or want to reach out - I'd love to connect with you. Send me a DM on Facebook (it's the best way to reach me!)
I used to teach positive parenting and a lot of the strategies I would use on my own kids or recommend to others, were totally applicable to adults nine times out of ten.
When raising my kids and I don’t feel like they’re ready to do something, like walk to school, switch out of the crib, climb stairs on their own, fly by themselves…. I ask myself, what do they need to learn in order for this to be safe/ok.
It’s not helpful for us to simply say no out of fear.
Because they will need to do all of those things eventually.
What skills to they need to build?
What thought process do they need to use?
How can I teach them to be safe while still exposing them to risk?
We can ask the same questions to ourselves.
If you want your life to change – maybe you want to travel more, maybe you want to start a business (this business) but you’re afraid, maybe you want to change your relationship situation up and leave your spouse.
Whatever the situation is for you… these are all examples from my own life that I’ve recently gone through.
Get curious about your fear and why you say no. Get curious about what’s holding you back.
Turn and face your fear. Ask it questions. Let it rant. Listen to what it wants to tell you.
Is it true?
Is what your fear saying true?
Is it a limiting belief – a response you always heard from your mother “Money doesn’t grow on trees.” “Life is hard.”
If you’re not ready now, then when?
What are you waiting for?
What do I need to know to make this decision? Is there something more I need to understand?
What would it take to make this a HELL YES?
It's amazing how many of us are determined to stay stuck. We put up every argument or roadblock, we come up with every reason not to try something new.
We feel the fear, and we run away. We don’t take the line of thinking any further.
We need to ask better questions.
When you ask the right questions, you open yourself up to solutions.
That’s why you hear people say rather than telling yourself “I can’t do it.” ask yourself “How can I do this?”
Switching these phrases literally activates a different part of your brain.
So ask yourself better questions. Try to get to the bottom of what’s REALLY holding you back. Not the BS reasons like “I don’t have enough time.” or “I don’t have the money.”
If you discover that what’s holding you back is about feeling not good enough, wondering if you’re capable, waiting for guarantees that this business will be a success for you… well, you also need to look at the current version of the reality that you’re living.
Is what you’re currently doing creating success for you?
Is what you’re currently doing creating the life you want?
Is this what you want the rest of your life to be like?
To create something different, you’ve got to do something different.
You’ve got to bet on yourself and go after what you want.
You can’t sit back and hope it’ll come to you while sitting in fear and doing nothing to move you forward.
So move yourself forward.
And that might not mean jumping full in right away (although it could, because oftentimes, when you actually confront your fears in your imagination, that’s enough for them to disappear).
Moving forward for you right now, may simply mean confronting your fear by asking yourself better questions.
In order to do ANYTHING in this life, in order to follow your intuition, create change, build new, and truly LIVE YOUR LIFE, you’ve got to walk through fear.
And what I’ve given you hear today will absolutely help you move forward --- if and only if --- you’re willing to ask yourself those uncomfortable questions and really coach yourself through the stuck.
Because unless you’re willing to hire a coach to walk you through this… it’s up to you. And you are more than capable.