Breaking Free with Lindsay
Welcome - I'm Lindsay :)
Are you ready to step up and live the life of your dreams?
I'm so glad you said YES because you're in the right place. 🥳
I help moms shed the limiting beliefs, societal expectations, fears, and thought patterns that have been holding them back so they can trust the inner wisdom that's guiding them toward their true purpose.
Through guest interviews and sharing my own hard-earned wisdom, we discuss what it takes to courageously follow your dreams.
Let's remove those shackles of what's been holding us back, break free from the status quo, and embrace a life of total freedom.
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Breaking Free with Lindsay
Episode 62 - Rebeccah Steele: The Link Between Your Body, Emotions, and the Energetic Field
What are you not seeing?
There’s a link between physical pain and sensations in your body and your thoughts, emotions, and even the energetic field around you.
Rebeccah and I get into the fun topic of quantum biofeedback and hypnotherapy, talking about the intangibles that directly affect us even though we can’t see them.
More about Rebeccah Steele👇
Rebeccah is a Hypnotherapist and Quantum Biofeedback Health & Wellness Mentor. She helps entrepreneurs with expert transformative insights regarding their health and wellbeing goals and pivots these goals into reality.
Connect with Rebeccah Steele 👇
Podcast: https://creators.spotify.com/pod/show/rebeccah-steele-wellness
IG: https://www.instagram.com/mindset4biz_mentor/
LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/rebeccahsteelebusinesswellnessinterventionmentor
If you want to break free from the 9 to 5 or spend more time with your family, then check out this FREE webinar that goes over exactly what I'm doing to create time and financial freedom.
If you ever have any questions or want to reach out - I'd love to connect with you. Send me a DM on Facebook (it's the best way to reach me!)
00:00:02.090 --> 00:00:06.900
Lindsay Ford: All right. I have Rebecca Steele with me here today. Welcome to the Podcast Rebecca.
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Rebeccah Steele: Thank you for having me. Lindsay, really, really honored and appreciate it.
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Lindsay Ford: Amazing.
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Lindsay Ford: You are a hypnotherapist and quantum biofeedback, health and wellness. Mentor. What is that?
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Rebeccah Steele: Right, you know this is well, hypnotherapy, I think, is, you know. Well known a well-known modality is coming up
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Rebeccah Steele: right up the ranks these days, and I, I believe a lot of therapists.
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Rebeccah Steele: and and entrepreneurs who are adding that
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Rebeccah Steele: skill to their you know their their toolbox and quantum biofeedback. Now that is something. It's it's yeah. We when we talk about feed biofeedback, we we just narrowing it down to the simplest things
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Rebeccah Steele: the feedback that your body gives you like. Oh, my mouth feels dry. Do I need a glass of water? You know? I feel like you've been sitting too long. I just need to get up and have a stretch. You know it's that is that we have feedback loops all the time.
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Rebeccah Steele: Now the question is, and in my work, biofeedback quantum biofeedback is that our mind goes
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Rebeccah Steele: like a million miles a minute.
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Rebeccah Steele: but the body is trying to process these?
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Rebeccah Steele: You know these thoughts and while you know, maintaining those hormones that say, Oh, am I going to be running somewhere? Am I relaxing? Am I doing this? What am I doing? And sometimes the messages sort of like it gets to a little bit of a traffic jam.
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Rebeccah Steele: And
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Rebeccah Steele: you know a lot of times those those things, don't you know. We don't hear them until they it's too late. So quantum, meaning that you're looking into the field
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Rebeccah Steele: off where this person is, where this group of people are in
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Rebeccah Steele: to see what is the field around them that is fueling the thought process, the emotional.
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Rebeccah Steele: You know, feelings and and and the bodies
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Rebeccah Steele: what I would say homeostatic processes like hot cold, you know. Thirsty, hungry.
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Rebeccah Steele: you know that sort of thing. Yeah, yeah, I don't know that kind of.
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Lindsay Ford: I mean.
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Rebeccah Steele: Very general idea!
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Lindsay Ford: Yeah, so it's like.
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Lindsay Ford: it's your, the thoughts body. And then this field, this invisible field around us that is
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Lindsay Ford: probably visible to some from what I the conversations I've had over the years. So this, this, this energetic field.
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Rebeccah Steele: Yeah, around us.
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Lindsay Ford: Impacts our thoughts.
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Lindsay Ford: And what's going on in our bodies? Is that what I just heard.
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Rebeccah Steele: Yes, exactly because we we when you think about it, you know. Just imagine that you walk into a department store or you're walking in the street, and suddenly you feel this, you know, you might feel the hairs stand up on the back of your neck, or you feel like. Oh, I don't. I don't know if I
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Rebeccah Steele: I vibe with this energy around here. It doesn't feel so good, or something awesome is going on over here, let me just go over the. And so you know, we we are actually drawn by this kind of field of you know what's around us.
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Rebeccah Steele: and that and our our nervous system, which I would refer to, and you've probably in some way, shape or form, heard it somewhere as a quantum processor, this, the nervous, our our spine, our spinal nerves.
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Rebeccah Steele: receiving this information as well. That's why you you suddenly feel that your shoulders are up here, you know, or you have to kind of protect yourself a little bit, you know, and and or you go into a room, and people standing there with their arms crossed and their legs crossed, and you know it's like, you know. Keep your distance.
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Rebeccah Steele: All people who are just so open, and you know you feel like you want to hug them. You know that sort of thing. Yeah.
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Lindsay Ford: Well, it's really interesting to me. Because I feel like the further, i get into my.
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Lindsay Ford: i guess, I guess my whatever this version of life is that I'm living. The further I get into this, the more I'm understanding that my body is just like
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Lindsay Ford: this really exceptional exceptional instrument or tuning fork like it. It.
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Lindsay Ford: you know so much I feel like in my earlier, I'll say spiritual mindfulness, manifestation days were more like mind, mind, emotions.
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Lindsay Ford: and thoughts. And now I'm really just understanding, like my body has a sense of what's going on before. My thoughts now now in my mind is before my thoughts. But I know other people like to reverse that, or you know how I taught was like you, your thoughts, and then then your emotions, and it plays out. But I feel like
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Lindsay Ford: my body is just like
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Lindsay Ford: picking up on things. And it's and and now it's my my job just to recognize what my body is trying to tell me.
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Rebeccah Steele: Yes, yes, so so true. And you know, if if we have been conditioned or brought up, or we run our life in a certain way where we have
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Rebeccah Steele: a certain habit. You know, we have a list of habits, and we've probably heard of the reticular articulating system which is like, okay, we can. I? I'm watching. I'm observing, you know what? What you like doing. It's a bit like how you know, we go on our phones. And and we're looking at this particular thing. And suddenly you see 10 of them, because AI is like.
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Rebeccah Steele: it's a bit like that, you know. So it's like that. This, the the body, then
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Rebeccah Steele: processes this information, however, if so used to the habit, and we we just do it automatically. We don't tune into what the body tells us until it's too late. It's like.
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Rebeccah Steele: Oh, oh, you know you maybe you felt a particular ache, but
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Rebeccah Steele: the whatever you were focused on, or the habit that you were entrained in
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Rebeccah Steele: was more demanding. So you you kind of don't think about the ache or the pain, or anything until you're not not in that habit or in that way of focus.
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Rebeccah Steele: And then you think, Oh, that's really painful now, you know.
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Rebeccah Steele: and we probably got some nudges that were, you know, if we were tuned into our body, Mall.
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Rebeccah Steele: we'd say, Hmm some. I I kind of feel something is not feeling right.
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Rebeccah Steele: Let me just quiet myself.
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Rebeccah Steele: and just allow, because our bodies are like computers. You ask your body what's going on
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Rebeccah Steele: in in that meditative state.
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Rebeccah Steele: You go and figure it out.
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Rebeccah Steele: Then it's a question of whether you want to do something about it or not.
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Lindsay Ford: The the tricky part, because that requires going out of your comfort zone to do something different, I'm sure, and just thinking, like, you know. I see my kids. They're in the public school system right now. And
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Lindsay Ford: it's really con like they're conditioned not to listen to their bodies, even just like they're in portables
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Lindsay Ford: and like they have to, they've always had to ask to go to the bathroom. But now it's like you have to get the key, and my son's teacher was like, Okay, you can't ask while I'm in the middle of a lesson. I don't want to be interrupted, and I just think of, like all of this, like those things, they seem subtle, but like
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Lindsay Ford: they're really being taught to like. Oh, I have the this my body is telling me I need to go to the bathroom right now.
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Lindsay Ford: and I'm actually supposed to follow this other person and get permission from them to tell me. It's okay for me to listen to my body. And I see this with like other aspects. But that's like a pretty obvious one.
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Lindsay Ford: And I even like as you were talking there about, like noticing, like the little pains and aches in your body. It's so easy when we're like busy busy. Go go to just brush those off. And I you know what popped into my head when you were as I was listening to you was, you know, when my my son was a toddler. He used to bite.
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Rebeccah Steele: Oh!
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Lindsay Ford: And I was like what is going on. But then I started to notice like he would whine 1st
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Lindsay Ford: and complain and want like he would just like do it really subtly, and I'd be like no, no, not now, like I could ignore the little whining and complaining, and then I could not ignore when he just like took a chomp out of my leg. But our body is similar, right like it, just like it gives you these little subtle things, and it's like, Hey, I'm trying to get your attention. Pay attention, and then it just gets louder and louder until you're just like I can't walk or get out of
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Lindsay Ford: bet today, like now, I'm forced to listen.
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Rebeccah Steele: Do you know that is so true? And I I'd love to share
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Rebeccah Steele: a story that well, it's a story that I, all our experiences come from? You know our stories and what we what we experience. And a year ago I was on the go go, you know as well. And here I am thinking, well, I'm doing my stuff. I'm doing my, you know, listening to my body. And
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Rebeccah Steele: however, I was on a higher level of
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Rebeccah Steele: go go just because of the circumstances I was in, and it was so interesting how I got this little discomfort in my thumb.
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Rebeccah Steele: you know. And then I thought, Oh.
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Rebeccah Steele: it's odd, you know, I was talking to someone from New Zealand to she was in the Uk, and I was talking to her, and then suddenly, I think I'll address it with, you know, with something after I finish the phone call.
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Rebeccah Steele: And so I addressed it with what I thought I knew it didn't go, as it usually does. And then I thought, Oh, this is interesting! And
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Rebeccah Steele: it was almost as if my body said too late.
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Rebeccah Steele: Plate, and it I oh, I was shut down
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Rebeccah Steele: it, you know. It might like, if if you can imagine someone just being straight jacketed, and it's like you're not going to go anywhere because you haven't listened. And it's like
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Rebeccah Steele: I. I had this feeling that you know the sense of my body is punishing me right for not listening. And I just thought.
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Rebeccah Steele: Whoa, this is really extreme.
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Rebeccah Steele: I have not experienced this before, and so I thankfully, I
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Rebeccah Steele: do you know, you've heard of the slow cook method, and you know there's a fast food, and there's a slow cook. I feel like I'm in the slow cook method. You know, it's like
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Rebeccah Steele: it was like, I feel like the world has been. You know. That is, my sense is that the world has been taken around this this whirlwind of stuff. And suddenly the merry-go-round is stopped.
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Rebeccah Steele: Nobody's running on it anymore, you know. Oh, and we all have to start walking.
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Rebeccah Steele: you know. Another thought was like, I feel like.
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Rebeccah Steele: I don't know if you've heard of this. The Flintstones, you know that. Yeah, that cartoon, the Flintstones and the Jetsons right glad you've heard of that, because my kids haven't. And you know, the the thing is that
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Rebeccah Steele: I felt like I feel like we're all in the Jetsons. Right? We're spacing around. We're going and doing all of this. And we've got all of these AI tools doing our our stuff. And
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Rebeccah Steele: and now I feel like we've been. I've been reduced to the glintstones, you know. It's like walking your car with your feet, you know. It's like, no, we don't get on any spaceships anymore.
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Rebeccah Steele: Yeah.
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Lindsay Ford: Yeah, I love it. One of the things that you said in your application form, is that your audience are those who are ready to understand what they can't see.
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Rebeccah Steele: Yeah.
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Lindsay Ford: So help me understand what this means.
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Rebeccah Steele: Yeah, this is the so.
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Rebeccah Steele: This is where the clients that come to me
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Rebeccah Steele: have tried a lot of things that seem that are tangible, you know they can. They can see things, they go and have their reflexology. They go and have their acupuncture, they go and see their doctor. They go and have, you know, whatever their doctor recommends, you know all of those things. And then.
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Rebeccah Steele: when nothing has worked
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Rebeccah Steele: and they're on this multiple lot of. They're all these pills and potions and and and they're walking cocktail of medications.
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Rebeccah Steele: A lot of them, and they've probably had a a surgery or 2 in the in, in all of that.
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Rebeccah Steele: And it's like
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Rebeccah Steele: it's the whole thing that they come to me feeling discombobulated, you know. Just like, where is
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Rebeccah Steele: who am I in all of this?
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Rebeccah Steele: And
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Rebeccah Steele: So when I I take the time to
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Rebeccah Steele: go for them to go through their journey
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Rebeccah Steele: with me, because when it's you know we all have heard of sound body
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Rebeccah Steele: when they you know they feel heard, they feel seen.
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Rebeccah Steele: Then, I can, you know, go deeper, you know. So we're coming in at that surface level of where just about all of us live, you know, and then and then we've got to go dig a bit deeper.
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Rebeccah Steele: When did this start?
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Rebeccah Steele: Oh, and a lot of times
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Rebeccah Steele: it's like, I don't know. That's fine.
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Rebeccah Steele: I'm glad you you you're aware that you don't know, because when you don't know
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Rebeccah Steele: that inspires a certain curiosity, why don't I know this?
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Rebeccah Steele: Would you like to know?
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Rebeccah Steele: You know, and sometimes people might not be inspired to go there out of fear.
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Rebeccah Steele: You know which is where the hypnotherapy comes in, because the in the subconscious, they've experienced something that was so hard, so tough, so traumatic
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Rebeccah Steele: that that don't know is like, I'm not going there
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Rebeccah Steele: right? And and there's a fear and the anxiety and the overwhelm. There's a trigger.
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Rebeccah Steele: And so you know in the past I've
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Rebeccah Steele: I've had when I see people face to face.
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Rebeccah Steele: Most. My, all my work is online now, but occasionally I'll see people face to face. I'll get them to
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Rebeccah Steele: do some artwork with it.
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Rebeccah Steele: Draw it out.
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Rebeccah Steele: Let me see what. Let's see what comes out of this, you know and sometimes it's
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Rebeccah Steele: it's really very interesting for them to see what they've drawn, or when they're online.
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Rebeccah Steele: I'll just say, Have you got a a piece of paper and and a pencil, just just draw it out.
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Rebeccah Steele: What does it look like to and and show it to me?
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Rebeccah Steele: Let's talk about it.
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Lindsay Ford: So
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Lindsay Ford: we have a few questions. I'm just curious about that that drawing method because I would be like, i'm not a good drawer. I don't know what's coming up, and I would get really in my head about it, I'm sure.
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Lindsay Ford: But I do know from like
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Lindsay Ford: I'll say, the the treatments and different practitioners I've worked with in the past
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Lindsay Ford: just like allowing your imagination like the free flow of your imagination and not worrying about getting it wrong, and I think this goes back to our conditioning is we're so like, what's the right answer? Is she going to judge me on my drawing. I don't even know what I'm putting on paper like this. These are the thoughts that would come up. I don't know what your your clients are experiencing. But how do you, I guess, manage?
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Lindsay Ford: I I guess. How do you get people out of their like conscious head and their stories, and that fear
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Lindsay Ford: into like really tuning in and tapping into what.
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Rebeccah Steele: Okay.
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Lindsay Ford: Needs to come up.
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Rebeccah Steele: This is. This is where my I feel my gift and my talent lies, because I sense.
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Rebeccah Steele: you know, that I'm not going to ask them to draw all the time.
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Rebeccah Steele: I you know, I you I sense. So I have the sense that they
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Rebeccah Steele: from maybe something they've said, or something that they have alluded to.
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Rebeccah Steele: and I those sorts of things kind of stack up.
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Lindsay Ford: Right.
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Rebeccah Steele: In in that. It's like, Oh, I love to Doodle.
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Rebeccah Steele: I just go. And and just yeah, yeah, something like that. Or they love to to
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Rebeccah Steele: They've got to go for a run.
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Rebeccah Steele: They've got to go, and they need to be near water
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Rebeccah Steele: where there's, you know, like perhaps the beach.
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Rebeccah Steele: You know, they don't have access to a beach, and they crave that, you know. So it's about water.
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Rebeccah Steele: and or they must have they must get up and and do something that that feels like.
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Rebeccah Steele: It's almost as if they're hurting themselves.
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Rebeccah Steele: you know, it's like so that they can feel. You know, it's like, because a lot of times to come down from the head and judgments. Is this the the I don't want to feel
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Rebeccah Steele: right.
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Lindsay Ford: Great.
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Rebeccah Steele: Because if I feel I don't know if I can come out of this.
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Lindsay Ford: And yeah, feeling is something I feel like so many of us are disconnected from. And it's something like
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Lindsay Ford: that I've really been working on, probably for at least the last decade or more on, because I felt like through my
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Lindsay Ford: well, I could. As far back as I can remember. I just remember like crying as a kid, and people would ask me What's wrong, and I had no idea like I felt like I was so disconnected from.
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Rebeccah Steele: My my emotions, and then I just suppress so much.
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Lindsay Ford: And then. Now, I'm just like
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Lindsay Ford: I probably look way more crazy and insane now, cause I'm just like I'm just crying, just crying. I just. I also have that trust. Now, knowing it's just a wave of emotion that's gonna pass through my body, and it'll it'll dissipate and go away. So
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Lindsay Ford: it's not. It can consume me for a time, but I know I'm gonna pop up the other side.
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Lindsay Ford: How do you begin to help people to trust.
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Rebeccah Steele: G.
00:21:44.340 --> 00:21:50.619
Lindsay Ford: Their emotion, and that they're they're safe to express their emotions.
00:21:50.880 --> 00:22:00.609
Rebeccah Steele: Yes, so this is where the this is, where the skill of hypnotherapy is so good, and it's not like.
00:22:00.730 --> 00:22:04.670
Rebeccah Steele: oh, not always. You gotta close your eyes
00:22:04.790 --> 00:22:09.740
Rebeccah Steele: and let's go down these steps. And you know, let's because
00:22:10.610 --> 00:22:16.330
Rebeccah Steele: what the the way to do that is to get from A is a brainwave state
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Rebeccah Steele: is to go from a beta brainwave state to.
00:22:21.210 --> 00:22:25.520
Rebeccah Steele: You know this theatre state where
00:22:25.760 --> 00:22:30.199
Rebeccah Steele: it's the you know that there's a sense of relaxation.
00:22:30.230 --> 00:22:35.960
Rebeccah Steele: You know, the body opens up. It's like, Oh, do you know what I feel so safe?
00:22:36.450 --> 00:22:41.300
Rebeccah Steele: I feel so so I just I just feel
00:22:42.010 --> 00:22:44.799
Rebeccah Steele: I feel the sense of calm.
00:22:45.190 --> 00:22:49.039
Rebeccah Steele: you know. So and this is where it is.
00:22:49.140 --> 00:22:55.489
Rebeccah Steele: It needs guidance to to do this. There is no particular
00:22:55.680 --> 00:23:00.690
Rebeccah Steele: step, one step, 2 step 3, because all of us are unique
00:23:00.720 --> 00:23:03.269
Rebeccah Steele: in how we respond to a queue.
00:23:03.490 --> 00:23:07.570
Rebeccah Steele: and it is up to the skill of
00:23:08.350 --> 00:23:17.280
Rebeccah Steele: the you know, the person who is listening, I mean, the art of listening is
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Rebeccah Steele: such a you know. I I don't think any of us have got it perfect
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Rebeccah Steele: right. There is no, we we just have to. Just because we are we. We are all human, and you know, even as a therapist and as a seasoned therapist, I have to also be aware of.
00:23:42.250 --> 00:23:45.320
Rebeccah Steele: Am I listening? Am I listening?
00:23:45.870 --> 00:23:50.420
Rebeccah Steele: Not just with my ears, with my whole being?
00:23:50.570 --> 00:23:58.640
Rebeccah Steele: Am I listening? Because then I get this sense of where I can at where and how
00:23:58.700 --> 00:24:06.270
Rebeccah Steele: I can guide somebody into the space. So just letting go of.
00:24:06.700 --> 00:24:11.739
Rebeccah Steele: you know, of having to have it a certain way.
00:24:11.740 --> 00:24:12.420
Lindsay Ford: Right.
00:24:12.420 --> 00:24:21.019
Rebeccah Steele: And trusting the process of you know. Sometimes, you know, the tears have started.
00:24:21.160 --> 00:24:26.160
Rebeccah Steele: and even before we've begun, and you just let it be
00:24:26.480 --> 00:24:40.330
Rebeccah Steele: just let it be I heard this just recently, that of someone who I quite admire and follow Veda Austin, who talks about water, and she says her daughter says.
00:24:40.460 --> 00:24:48.920
Rebeccah Steele: mommy, it's raining. My eyes are raining, you know, and so I it's it's I.
00:24:49.040 --> 00:24:54.090
Rebeccah Steele: I feel that when you go into this whole field of
00:24:54.250 --> 00:25:09.350
Rebeccah Steele: the intangible. We are, you know, 99.9% molecularly water. So when something eases and feels
00:25:11.050 --> 00:25:19.210
Rebeccah Steele: like, you just gotta let go, the tears just stop, and they can be.
00:25:19.260 --> 00:25:30.500
Rebeccah Steele: There can be tears from any emotion, including joy, you know, including empathy compassion.
00:25:30.570 --> 00:25:31.750
Rebeccah Steele: So
00:25:31.890 --> 00:25:43.800
Rebeccah Steele: you know that, and as a child, you not having access to those that bandwidth of expression. You just thought I don't know why I'm crying, but I just am right.
00:25:45.403 --> 00:25:49.806
Lindsay Ford: I, I wanna just highlight something that you said right at the beginning, there is
00:25:50.160 --> 00:25:55.669
Lindsay Ford: just like putting people into that safe state, using hypnotherapy.
00:25:58.540 --> 00:26:05.310
Lindsay Ford: I just to me what what I my takeaway from that is just like it is possible to feel safe.
00:26:05.570 --> 00:26:11.600
Lindsay Ford: well, expressing emotions, whether you need someone to help you there or not. Like it's possible
00:26:12.170 --> 00:26:17.620
Lindsay Ford: to get there. It's possible to feel safe and deal with all these emotions.
00:26:18.110 --> 00:26:23.029
Lindsay Ford: And what I'm also hearing. So it sounds like people come to you primarily when they're having like
00:26:23.040 --> 00:26:26.640
Lindsay Ford: a physical, a physical issue
00:26:27.250 --> 00:26:35.780
Lindsay Ford: are all physical issues, the result of something emotional or energetic in your opinion or experience. I'm curious.
00:26:35.780 --> 00:26:44.220
Rebeccah Steele: Yes, yes. So so basically, this is how I call it the digestions.
00:26:44.380 --> 00:26:45.380
Rebeccah Steele: Right?
00:26:45.530 --> 00:26:53.150
Rebeccah Steele: We we come, you know, like, if you think about how information comes in
00:26:53.200 --> 00:27:05.509
Rebeccah Steele: through the pineal gland in our in our brain, then the pituitary and the hypothalamus, all of that is being processed in the brain and so.
00:27:05.510 --> 00:27:23.319
Rebeccah Steele: and I'll include there for any of your audience that understand chakras. So these are also parts of the endocrine system. And so these are activated. And so when we receive information
00:27:23.330 --> 00:27:32.790
Rebeccah Steele: spiritually, you know, on a spiritual note. It's like, I have that dream.
00:27:33.100 --> 00:27:36.140
Rebeccah Steele: What was that all about. That was kind of weird.
00:27:36.290 --> 00:27:39.415
Rebeccah Steele: you know, and you know,
00:27:40.370 --> 00:27:45.140
Rebeccah Steele: I was so happy in that. I was so sad. But I saw something really weird.
00:27:45.160 --> 00:27:48.890
Rebeccah Steele: And oh, I felt something, and
00:27:50.800 --> 00:28:05.350
Rebeccah Steele: it's it's this curiosity about it that helps it digest right? It's like having a a childlike curiosity about what's that, you know.
00:28:05.400 --> 00:28:17.360
Rebeccah Steele: is is the spiritual digestion. If don't, if we think that was a weird dream, I don't know what that was about. That was so weird, right? Then
00:28:17.500 --> 00:28:20.249
Rebeccah Steele: it comes into the mental.
00:28:20.560 --> 00:28:24.549
Rebeccah Steele: It travels into the mental. It was like.
00:28:24.620 --> 00:28:37.679
Rebeccah Steele: Yeah, you know, someone said, Oh, how are you? And you say I don't know. I feel like I've got on the wrong side of the bed, you know, and something doesn't feel right. I don't know what it is. But and then it's like
00:28:37.950 --> 00:28:46.420
Rebeccah Steele: mentally, even though where you're we're expressing it, we're still not understanding it.
00:28:46.500 --> 00:28:51.889
Rebeccah Steele: And what we sometimes what we don't understand. We don't wanna we? We just think oh.
00:28:51.960 --> 00:28:53.300
Rebeccah Steele: it was just a blip.
00:28:53.550 --> 00:29:02.920
Rebeccah Steele: I'll just, you know, get on with my day, especially if you know we're busy, or we've got lots of to do's. And then so then
00:29:03.280 --> 00:29:06.209
Rebeccah Steele: are we? Have we mentally digested?
00:29:06.780 --> 00:29:12.900
Rebeccah Steele: Then if we haven't, we come to the emotional right? Oh.
00:29:13.160 --> 00:29:15.899
Rebeccah Steele: yeah, so and so is triggered me, and
00:29:16.090 --> 00:29:27.960
Rebeccah Steele: you know so and so. I don't know why they have to be like that, you know. And couldn't they do? Couldn't they see that that person was really upset? Why did they have to say that?
00:29:28.050 --> 00:29:31.929
Rebeccah Steele: And then we get get into the story.
00:29:32.050 --> 00:29:38.040
Rebeccah Steele: and then we get our assaults. So then, have we emotionally digested
00:29:38.590 --> 00:29:44.780
Rebeccah Steele: right? And then this is coming down into the physical.
00:29:47.080 --> 00:29:53.189
Rebeccah Steele: You know I have a bit of a tummy ache, or my lower spine hurts.
00:29:53.780 --> 00:29:57.319
Rebeccah Steele: I don't know if I haven't lifted anything or I haven't.
00:29:57.460 --> 00:30:03.189
Rebeccah Steele: You know my feet hurt, you know my shoulders hurt.
00:30:05.070 --> 00:30:10.939
Rebeccah Steele: and that's where the physical comes in. Now there was one part
00:30:10.950 --> 00:30:18.530
Rebeccah Steele: I I would like to add to the the energy digestion, you know energetically.
00:30:18.820 --> 00:30:26.910
Rebeccah Steele: When we, when we walk into a room we're familiar with, and the energy doesn't feel right.
00:30:27.050 --> 00:30:30.169
Rebeccah Steele: But we have to stay in that room, nevertheless.
00:30:30.540 --> 00:30:33.639
Rebeccah Steele: Right? So we don't do anything
00:30:33.650 --> 00:30:42.269
Rebeccah Steele: in that room to make it easy for ourselves to digest whatever Vibe is in that room.
00:30:42.300 --> 00:30:48.438
Rebeccah Steele: You know we don't, you know. Shift some things around, maybe get an essential oil, you know.
00:30:49.020 --> 00:30:52.100
Rebeccah Steele: Smell it, and oh, that feels better right.
00:30:54.520 --> 00:31:03.820
Lindsay Ford: Yeah, I love this idea of digesting. Your thoughts, emotions. And because, if we're not processing
00:31:04.380 --> 00:31:10.569
Lindsay Ford: what we're experiencing, we're not sitting with it. We're not allowing those waves to pass through our body.
00:31:11.020 --> 00:31:14.260
Lindsay Ford: It just in my mind. It's like the pressure builds.
00:31:14.380 --> 00:31:30.480
Lindsay Ford: and it goes back to that like it'll just get louder and louder or more experiences. This is my my experiences. More experience will present themselves. So I feel that emotion eventually, like I can't. I can't get rid of it. If I don't feel it now it's coming back for me.
00:31:30.480 --> 00:31:31.750
Rebeccah Steele: Yes, yes.
00:31:33.710 --> 00:31:40.909
Lindsay Ford: I want to. I just you know, I was going through a a detox program not too long ago, and
00:31:41.440 --> 00:31:44.329
Lindsay Ford: I had jumped into this detox program.
00:31:44.850 --> 00:31:56.469
Lindsay Ford: It wasn't my full reason, but I was having this reaction under my eyes, and, like my eyes, were getting poofy, and it was the 1st time I've ever experienced in my life, and it was like every week week and a half my eyes would get like
00:31:56.700 --> 00:31:58.230
Lindsay Ford: poofy and swollen.
00:31:58.320 --> 00:32:08.139
Lindsay Ford: and as I was going through this detox program is obviously cleaning up my diet. It was the most intense thing I've ever done from a diet perspective. And then it. The symptoms went
00:32:08.760 --> 00:32:38.599
Lindsay Ford: a way. I got. I got it at the beginning, and then I got it again at the end, and the guy that was leading me through this detox program is like your eyes. And he's talking about all these like emotions and things to ask myself with their eyes. And one of the things he kept saying was like, What are you not seeing? What are you not willing to see? What are you not willing to see clearly asked to see things clearly. And I'm like, How do I? I'm like, Okay, so I'm sitting in meditation, going like, what am I not seeing? What am I not seeing? And it's such a funny?
00:32:38.600 --> 00:33:02.390
Lindsay Ford: It was such a funny question, because I was like, clearly, I'm not seeing things. And I'm like, Okay, what am I not seeing? But it was now. I haven't had that in. I think it's been close to a month now, but it's just been like sitting with the stuff that I was not willing to sit with, and seeing my patterns and the things I didn't want to see. And
00:33:02.440 --> 00:33:08.700
Lindsay Ford: you know one of the things that you mentioned. Before we started this conversation was this idea of
00:33:08.840 --> 00:33:11.930
Lindsay Ford: patterns and repeating patterns in our
00:33:12.000 --> 00:33:18.289
Lindsay Ford: our life and our experience? Can you just expand on. You know your thoughts around
00:33:18.670 --> 00:33:26.130
Lindsay Ford: repeating patterns. I'm I'm I'm just. I'm fascinated by this just given like these experiences I've been going through in the last disputes.
00:33:26.130 --> 00:33:26.820
Rebeccah Steele: In the last.
00:33:27.590 --> 00:33:31.720
Rebeccah Steele: Yeah, I mean, let's just go back to what you just shared.
00:33:31.720 --> 00:33:32.270
Lindsay Ford: Yeah, for sure.
00:33:32.270 --> 00:33:52.050
Rebeccah Steele: About your eyes, because, you know, we've heard the expression. The eyes are the window to to the soul, right? And so, and just underneath the eyes. It's where we have the lymph lymphatics, the sinuses.
00:33:52.050 --> 00:34:18.389
Rebeccah Steele: and you know the there's the meridians that run also the gallbladder meridian that runs behind your ears and over your head. It's like this kind of you know, if you just imagine someone banging their hand against a wall right? It's like, how many times do I have to go through this? Do this feel this?
00:34:18.510 --> 00:34:44.270
Rebeccah Steele: And you know, why is it that it's not going away? And we have in our brain what are called glia cells, and these are the glymphatics, and during the night they are, they work to, you know, sort out all the rubbish right? And you know, be having you having been on a detox.
00:34:44.310 --> 00:34:45.810
Rebeccah Steele: It was like.
00:34:46.060 --> 00:35:12.460
Rebeccah Steele: Okay, the the glands in your brain are sending messages to the liver, which is basically the seat of all emotion. You know it's processing anger, rage, sad. You name it. You know all of those as well as the lungs. Right? So the this is where it's it's it's a very
00:35:13.092 --> 00:35:29.129
Rebeccah Steele: complex thing. When we think, oh, is it? Is it the liver? Then do I do this thing for the liver right? Then, you know, it's like the kidneys, right? The kidneys are. You know. They they process
00:35:29.560 --> 00:35:30.750
Rebeccah Steele: our life.
00:35:31.120 --> 00:35:44.090
Rebeccah Steele: you know as you know it. It separates into waste, you know, going to the bathroom, or it it purifies into creating good blood. So it's like.
00:35:44.220 --> 00:35:53.019
Rebeccah Steele: Okay, which organ, is it, you know? And so we go down these rabbit holes thinking
00:35:53.240 --> 00:35:59.120
Rebeccah Steele: that exactly what you just shared, what is it that I'm not seeing right?
00:35:59.930 --> 00:36:02.570
Rebeccah Steele: That could be one expression of it.
00:36:02.590 --> 00:36:09.169
Rebeccah Steele: But remembering that in this case you are on a physical detox.
00:36:09.310 --> 00:36:12.609
Rebeccah Steele: so you probably have to go back
00:36:12.730 --> 00:36:20.370
Rebeccah Steele: to the reason you began the detox, why you needed the detox, and then
00:36:21.088 --> 00:36:34.840
Rebeccah Steele: what was it that you needed to process so they would. There, in that lies the patterns that you would, you know you, you'd say, well.
00:36:34.980 --> 00:36:37.150
Rebeccah Steele: I seem to be doing this.
00:36:37.390 --> 00:36:41.560
Rebeccah Steele: and every time I did that I got this result
00:36:42.250 --> 00:36:56.470
Rebeccah Steele: right. Then I thought, Well, I will address it in this way. But that didn't work. So I went and tried another way, right? And so on and on it goes. And that's why we've heard this all journal it out
00:36:56.630 --> 00:37:02.319
Rebeccah Steele: right. Write it out. And if you're like me, who doesn't always like to journal.
00:37:02.720 --> 00:37:06.470
Rebeccah Steele: speak it out onto the phone like as you're walking.
00:37:06.620 --> 00:37:11.569
Rebeccah Steele: Oh, you know, it's this and this and this. But then it was that.
00:37:11.790 --> 00:37:16.930
Rebeccah Steele: and then and then listen to that after yeah, your walk.
00:37:17.600 --> 00:37:23.600
Rebeccah Steele: To see where are the? These are the hidden gems, you know.
00:37:24.010 --> 00:37:30.410
Rebeccah Steele: and all of that, the the patterns, the repeating patterns, and as
00:37:31.880 --> 00:37:36.829
Rebeccah Steele: as a therapist. What I and a mentor. What I do is
00:37:37.130 --> 00:37:45.710
Rebeccah Steele: I pull out something like we. We've just pulled something out, and then we explore that
00:37:46.080 --> 00:37:54.249
Rebeccah Steele: into what the patterns are, and I work with biofeedback. So I have a device that uses a photo
00:37:54.320 --> 00:38:03.009
Rebeccah Steele: and a voice. Now a photo tells a thousand words, as they say, and a voice, well, you can't tell a lie.
00:38:03.100 --> 00:38:11.909
Rebeccah Steele: because if you say Well, I am actually quite comfortable right now, you know, and I'm just
00:38:11.970 --> 00:38:14.740
Rebeccah Steele: feeling great. I'm not stressed.
00:38:15.120 --> 00:38:23.160
Rebeccah Steele: And you send out that frequency in the voice message right to to the device. And
00:38:23.420 --> 00:38:27.280
Rebeccah Steele: and the device says, Well, this is
00:38:27.660 --> 00:38:35.329
Rebeccah Steele: the the frequency of the message is this, but where you are is this.
00:38:35.540 --> 00:38:40.769
Rebeccah Steele: this is where the frequency. So let's bring that up and balance it
00:38:41.190 --> 00:38:49.320
Rebeccah Steele: closer to where you're not stressed, where you're feeling happy and comfortable.
00:38:50.660 --> 00:38:54.860
Lindsay Ford: So it can actually detect the frequency of
00:38:55.490 --> 00:38:58.729
Lindsay Ford: whatever it is you're talking about
00:38:59.070 --> 00:39:02.159
Lindsay Ford: like, does it detect the frequency of
00:39:03.620 --> 00:39:19.040
Lindsay Ford: I I almost like, is it? It sounds like it might be like a lie detector, but like on a frequency level, like it's able like, if I'm saying like, everything is roses and sunshine, and I'm just feeling like, no, it's really garbage like is that where it's measuring like.
00:39:19.040 --> 00:39:20.060
Rebeccah Steele: Yeah, yeah.
00:39:20.060 --> 00:39:21.990
Lindsay Ford: The roses and garbage frequency, or the.
00:39:21.990 --> 00:39:39.345
Rebeccah Steele: Yeah, that's what it does. And that's where I see the pat, the deeper patterns. And you know the it works in numbers. So basically the device. Quant the biofeedback works in numbers. So let's say, you know.
00:39:39.920 --> 00:39:48.650
Rebeccah Steele: it's like, how am I going to connect to you, Lindsay? All across the world. Right? I have your phone number.
00:39:49.529 --> 00:39:57.369
Rebeccah Steele: Which is numbers I have. So it's when I would call that number. I reach Lindsey
00:39:57.940 --> 00:40:03.504
Rebeccah Steele: right when I would reach your your
00:40:04.360 --> 00:40:07.989
Rebeccah Steele: You know your handle, your Instagram handle.
00:40:08.110 --> 00:40:11.760
Rebeccah Steele: I've got that that connection to you
00:40:11.800 --> 00:40:15.360
Rebeccah Steele: and no one else. Just you right.
00:40:15.450 --> 00:40:22.420
Rebeccah Steele: And this is how the the biofeedback device that I use detects this
00:40:22.510 --> 00:40:31.819
Rebeccah Steele: and places you in this very specific a place where you are
00:40:31.830 --> 00:40:39.800
Rebeccah Steele: and reads your patterns and sends the frequencies through the same waves. Which is what is the intangible
00:40:39.820 --> 00:40:44.430
Rebeccah Steele: right? We don't know how. I mean, we're all carrying cell phones
00:40:44.570 --> 00:40:49.720
Rebeccah Steele: and the phone rings. Well, we haven't connected it to a wall somewhere.
00:40:50.220 --> 00:40:56.400
Rebeccah Steele: Well, it just rains right. And this is where the
00:40:58.140 --> 00:41:25.410
Rebeccah Steele: The information gets downloaded into the device, and I see it through the patents so it could be a Chakra imbalance. It could be something in the mind, something to do with the bio, what we call the biofield. It could be something to do with the body systems. It could be something to do with, you know, the the emotional field. And so I
00:41:25.880 --> 00:41:36.410
Rebeccah Steele: I look at the patterns, and I and I call in to bring that that balance
00:41:37.320 --> 00:41:52.130
Rebeccah Steele: to a level that the person is going to receive. Now, the the device also tells me, this person has not received this information. It's like, I throw a ball to you right
00:41:52.630 --> 00:41:56.710
Rebeccah Steele: and you catch it the 1st time, then I throw it again.
00:41:56.970 --> 00:41:59.200
Rebeccah Steele: and you and you don't catch it.
00:41:59.290 --> 00:42:12.949
Rebeccah Steele: Then I throw it again. You don't catch it, and that is a that lets me know. And I'm talking with the device. Yeah, I'm I'm processing. Oh, they're not getting this. Okay.
00:42:12.990 --> 00:42:18.430
Rebeccah Steele: They haven't their body. Their mind have haven't haven't got the resources
00:42:18.730 --> 00:42:27.280
Rebeccah Steele: to manage this balance. So let me go look somewhere else where I can influences.
00:42:27.420 --> 00:42:32.240
Rebeccah Steele: you know. Does it need something like the sulphageotones.
00:42:32.450 --> 00:42:45.099
Rebeccah Steele: Yeah, I don't know if you've heard of that. So the sulphage tones, if you think of Dore mi paso lati, do you know type of thing, and they are
00:42:45.882 --> 00:42:58.550
Rebeccah Steele: frequencies, also that the 4, 32, the 5, you know, the the frequency of miracles, the frequency. So those are the sulfate your tones, and you know
00:42:58.580 --> 00:43:10.299
Rebeccah Steele: they are. You know, the 2 85 Hertz is all about uniqueness expressing you uniqueness, and that is a sulphate. Your tone, and
00:43:10.660 --> 00:43:13.079
Rebeccah Steele: I look at the sulphate your tones.
00:43:13.170 --> 00:43:16.659
Rebeccah Steele: and I think this is interesting.
00:43:16.710 --> 00:43:18.739
Rebeccah Steele: Let me use that.
00:43:18.860 --> 00:43:26.069
Rebeccah Steele: Let me see if this supports that that pattern I'm seeing.
00:43:26.240 --> 00:43:31.989
Rebeccah Steele: I I run it, and the client has responded
00:43:32.410 --> 00:43:35.499
Rebeccah Steele: very well to it, for example.
00:43:35.510 --> 00:43:36.850
Rebeccah Steele: So I get a.
00:43:37.020 --> 00:43:39.319
Rebeccah Steele: Your client has responded very well.
00:43:39.620 --> 00:43:42.670
Rebeccah Steele: and I get a rectification in percentage.
00:43:42.980 --> 00:43:48.380
Rebeccah Steele: and I know that they've received the ball so I can throw the ball. They get it
00:43:48.400 --> 00:43:56.690
Rebeccah Steele: again and again they get it. And I also look at the the aura before and after
00:43:57.190 --> 00:44:02.789
Rebeccah Steele: through the device. And I get an idea of where the energy is in the Biofield.
00:44:04.250 --> 00:44:09.269
Lindsay Ford: That sounds like such a fascinating in instrument and tool to use, because.
00:44:09.810 --> 00:44:31.490
Lindsay Ford: you know, it's I think so many of us are lying to ourselves, and not in like a cruel, mean way. But we're just. We don't want to face our stuff. We don't, or we don't know the answer, or we think it's 1 thing, and like, I feel like answering. Maybe some of the questions related to health related to things you don't want to see, or the emotions you don't want to experience
00:44:32.180 --> 00:44:35.380
Lindsay Ford: and just answering questions in a way that
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Lindsay Ford: you know it's either your standard program answer or really what you believe in that moment. But there's something deeper in your being that like there's a different truth, perhaps, in there. And that's where I mean, like I feel like so many of us aren't connected to that truth. Maybe, rather than saying, like, we're lying to ourselves. But we're not connected to that deeper sense of what is going on. So I feel like that instrument is that instrument is fascinating, too.
00:45:00.350 --> 00:45:12.320
Rebeccah Steele: Do you know what? Let me say this, the the buy, the amount of biofeedback instruments that are and devices available to people? It is rampant.
00:45:12.320 --> 00:45:12.700
Lindsay Ford: I hadn'.
00:45:12.700 --> 00:45:29.489
Rebeccah Steele: Right, like people, have so many devices, you know, not only the genius insights, or the indigo, or this, or the eductor, or the Healy you name it. They're all out there. However, my
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Rebeccah Steele: thought is that we can all be sold a device
00:45:34.140 --> 00:45:39.559
Rebeccah Steele: that tells us about our energy. But then this is like for me.
00:45:39.570 --> 00:45:46.899
Rebeccah Steele: if I don't understand what I'm saying, right? The and that, and what is my purpose with this?
00:45:47.390 --> 00:45:53.400
Rebeccah Steele: It's like, Oh, this tool is gonna fix me right. And
00:45:53.510 --> 00:45:57.759
Rebeccah Steele: the I I feel that there has to be
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Rebeccah Steele: like this is where I like to go into the patents.
00:46:03.930 --> 00:46:20.730
Rebeccah Steele: And and yeah, that's where my audience has to be ready for for this. So if they have a device, wonderful, right? That it's it's not about the device. It's about the skill of reading
00:46:21.270 --> 00:46:29.290
Rebeccah Steele: and interpret. You're interpreting what you are seeing, sensing.
00:46:29.570 --> 00:46:33.749
Rebeccah Steele: What is this trying to tell you? Are you ready to hear it?
00:46:33.980 --> 00:46:35.000
Rebeccah Steele: You know.
00:46:35.340 --> 00:46:36.120
Lindsay Ford: Hmm.
00:46:36.420 --> 00:46:36.800
Rebeccah Steele: Yeah.
00:46:36.800 --> 00:46:40.960
Lindsay Ford: And I feel like even just understanding.
00:46:41.260 --> 00:46:53.039
Lindsay Ford: like training you to feel the the nuances in your body I can think of, you know, even in the last few weeks, just stepping on the scale every morning before I step on, I'm like I can actually feel
00:46:53.100 --> 00:47:07.179
Lindsay Ford: in my body what my weight is at today and like it fluctuates between a few pounds, like all of us do. But I'm like this is interesting. I'm like, I don't even need the scale now to know. And and it's just like this fun game I get to play because I'm just like.
00:47:07.290 --> 00:47:18.250
Lindsay Ford: I just feel like, you know, I before I needed to scale, because I was curious, and I didn't know. And now I'm like, I can actually just feel the difference in my body between like a pound or 2 in terms of like how.
00:47:18.310 --> 00:47:20.930
Lindsay Ford: not even how heavy I'm feeling. But just like
00:47:21.240 --> 00:47:23.310
Lindsay Ford: I don't know. There's a different sensation.
00:47:23.310 --> 00:47:28.429
Rebeccah Steele: You know, you know this is so. I am so glad you mentioned that
00:47:28.460 --> 00:47:31.250
Rebeccah Steele: and your experience with that, because
00:47:31.810 --> 00:47:48.009
Rebeccah Steele: weight, loss, and you know, this feeling of weight is oftentimes, you know, it's part to do with those digestions. Right? We spoke about earlier. And yeah, yeah.
00:47:48.990 --> 00:48:04.109
Rebeccah Steele: we've we've been conditioned to look at the scale right? And the idea is, get rid of the scale, because what we want to do today is feel, feel, you know. Oh, I feel a little bit heavy today.
00:48:04.230 --> 00:48:06.619
Rebeccah Steele: right? Oh, that's okay.
00:48:07.040 --> 00:48:12.890
Rebeccah Steele: I you know, it's a sense I feel lighter. In fact, you know.
00:48:13.000 --> 00:48:20.449
Rebeccah Steele: I feel like I look a little bit more sculpted right, or whatever you know, and it's like
00:48:20.570 --> 00:48:30.369
Rebeccah Steele: the the body says, Oh, now you're tuning in now you're paying attention to me. Hooray! Let's let's celebrate right.
00:48:30.780 --> 00:48:38.360
Lindsay Ford: And it's so. Sub. It's the subtle differences that you start to notice like that those instruments are helpful. But then, if you can really tune in.
00:48:38.570 --> 00:48:40.630
Lindsay Ford: Yeah, it's just yeah.
00:48:40.760 --> 00:48:41.980
Lindsay Ford: Fascinating.
00:48:41.980 --> 00:48:46.020
Rebeccah Steele: Exactly. And this is where I don't. You know
00:48:46.630 --> 00:48:51.279
Rebeccah Steele: people that have clients that have come to me continuously for biofeedback.
00:48:51.590 --> 00:48:58.290
Rebeccah Steele: and that that you know. I I say, I'll see you a couple of times to maybe 3 times.
00:48:58.710 --> 00:49:00.849
Rebeccah Steele: But we have to have moved on.
00:49:01.490 --> 00:49:07.740
Rebeccah Steele: don't my, I? My goal is to mentor people through.
00:49:07.950 --> 00:49:13.430
Rebeccah Steele: so that they are their own instrument, you know.
00:49:13.620 --> 00:49:27.079
Rebeccah Steele: and you know that I I am so passionate about that, like we are such powerful in embodied individuals
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Rebeccah Steele: here to experience life on earth. And you know.
00:49:33.080 --> 00:49:38.689
Rebeccah Steele: who are we to say one person is so weak that they can't do? They can't be that.
00:49:38.830 --> 00:49:41.320
Rebeccah Steele: you know I don't I?
00:49:41.510 --> 00:49:45.420
Rebeccah Steele: It's probably one of the reasons I chose not to become a doctor.
00:49:45.540 --> 00:49:53.310
Rebeccah Steele: you know, because, you know I don't. It's like I want to empower people to know that
00:49:53.830 --> 00:50:01.469
Rebeccah Steele: if you're feeling sick, let's figure out, where did that come from? If you're feeling unwell. Where did that come from?
00:50:01.690 --> 00:50:09.230
Rebeccah Steele: Let's get you to who you know what drives the genius in each of us.
00:50:10.350 --> 00:50:13.859
Lindsay Ford: Well, and I think that's, you know, been one of my.
00:50:14.933 --> 00:50:29.609
Lindsay Ford: I don't know measurements, I guess for like, who I follow online, who I listen to, who I go to for help is like, are they actually trying to empower me, to be better and to tune into my own body and my own self and my own wisdom versus
00:50:29.980 --> 00:50:41.019
Lindsay Ford: needing to rely on an expert in that outside like passing like that in you're empowering me. You're empowering others. And I think that is just a sign of such a great.
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Lindsay Ford: great teacher. So where can people find you if they want to work with you, or get more information about what you do.
00:50:47.850 --> 00:51:12.800
Rebeccah Steele: Thank you for asking me that. So I can be found. I'm on Instagram, you know. I'm on all the social media channels, Linkedin and Facebook. However, there's also my website, Rebecca steelwellness.com. So Rebecca is spelled REBE. CCAH.
00:51:13.160 --> 00:51:16.729
Rebeccah Steele: Wellness, WELL, NESS.
00:51:16.840 --> 00:51:24.590
Rebeccah Steele: Dot com. And I can also be found on my podcast innovative conversations.
00:51:25.460 --> 00:51:35.589
Rebeccah Steele: So I'm just using every platform available to me to just empower as many people as possible.
00:51:35.680 --> 00:51:41.710
Rebeccah Steele: you know, including the children. Oh, the children are such a gift.
00:51:41.800 --> 00:51:47.479
Rebeccah Steele: and we don't see them as gifts when they're being, you know, like triggering. But
00:51:47.920 --> 00:51:51.580
Rebeccah Steele: I tell you that my children have been my teachers.
00:51:51.820 --> 00:51:52.750
Rebeccah Steele: Yeah.
00:51:53.150 --> 00:51:58.360
Lindsay Ford: Yeah, I feel the same way. I'll put all those links in the show notes. Thank you so much for being here today, Rebecca.
00:51:58.560 --> 00:51:59.980
Rebeccah Steele: Thank you.